Designing Tomorrow - Sara Al Barazi's Immersive Showcase with Extended Reality

In the realm of architecture and design, Extended Reality (XR) is proving to be a revolutionary tool, pushing creative boundaries and reshaping the way we envision spaces. Sara Al Barazi, a student of architecture and design at Prince Sultan University, recently harnessed the power of Virtual Reality (VR) to elevate her design showcase. Using VR, Sara crafted an immersive experience that not only impressed her professors but also captured their attention in a profound way.

Sara's visionary use of XR technology allowed her to transport viewers into a virtual realm where her architectural design came to life. This captivating approach not only showcased her creativity but also demonstrated the immense potential XR holds for architects and designers.

Dr. Mohammed Al Shohail, expressing the impact of XR at Prince Sultan University, highlighted its role in empowering future youth. He stated:

The XR lab at Prince Sultan University serves as a catalyst for transforming education, offering students like Sara the tools to envision and create, thereby shaping the architects and designers of tomorrow.


Sara's pioneering use of XR not only sets a precedent for immersive design experiences but also opens doors for other students to explore the burgeoning opportunities within the field of architecture and design.